Only 9 more days til we find out if Baby Bowen is a Boy or a Girl :) March 15, 2012!!!Cast your vote on what you think we are having at the bottom of blog.

February 2, 2012

Went to the doctor today and had my first ultrasound. Finally got to see proof that I do in fact have a baby in my belly.  It was so cute just wiggling and heard it's heartbeat for the first time. 181 Beats per minute. FAST!!! I hope it's a girl. :) 

January 25, 2012

Wow 2011 was a year of surprises and tribulations for our family. First of the year we find out Dana is accepted into the 128th Basic Highway Patrol Academy and would start his 28 weeks of torture and hell on February 27, 2011.  It was a tough start going from a normal 2 parent household to being a single mother 6 days a week. I had my ups and downs but through it all it made us stronger as a family and made us appreciate one another even more. Each week was a struggle come Sunday for Dana to leave knowing another week of hell was ahead of him, but I knew he he was strong enough to make it through and come September 16, 2011 I watched him take his Oath of Honor and be sworn in as a North Carolina State Trooper. A very proud day for our family!  
In the mist of Dana's absence back home I dealt with another matter of my own that some may know of but back in 2008 as I was in the OR at CMC University Hospital delivering my first born son Kage my doctor discovered I have a medical condition in my uterus called Endometriosis, which in turn causes scar tissue and very painful menstrual cycles. It is also something that if  untreated can cause many complications and could potential cause me to be unable to bare another child. In July 2010 I underwent surgery to remove most of the Endometriosis as possible. After several months past I noticed my pain was worse than before surgery at times and back to the doctor I went.  My next option was to try a 6 month treatment that would trick my body into thinking I was going through menopause and would stop my body from producing estrogen which feeds Endometriosis and makes it spread and grow,  which I started March 2011. During this time I went 8 months without a menstrual cycle (NOT COMPLAINING :) )  While I waited to begin my first cycle it was planned between Dana and I that we would immediately start trying to conceive with our second child once I did begin a new cycle. Well November 27th came and BAM Aunt Flow returned.  I knew then I did not miss her one bit but I was finally glad to see her. As planned Dana and I (Well you know) started the process of trying to conceive.  

It's December 25, 2011 Christmas Day, and we are gathered at my Grandparents for our traditional Dinner with the family. Before getting there I needed something at the store and I knew the only place I could find on Christmas Day that would be opened is WALGREEN'S, so we stopped by on the way and while I was there I just had an odd feeling and thought let me pick up a pregnancy test while i'm here just in case.  Ok, now back to my Grandparents house, while the finishing touches were being made before dinner I made an escape to the restroom and took a pregnancy test with me. Well and to my surprise the were 2 pink lines the second one was faint but it was there. So I went and got Dana and showed him and he wasn't so sure at first that it was positive.  But I knew it was true, you just know especially with your second one.  A few days later I tested again and this time with a test that says "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT" and......
So I asked Dana "do you believe it now"? 

My first visit to the doctor was January 12, 2012 I was 6 weeks and 4 days.  They did another test and confirmed infact I was pregnant (like I said) and did the usual blood work, paperwork etc. It's now January 25, 2012 I am 8 weeks and 3 days and I feel GREAT!  A little emotional and on edge but not sick or anything. I actually have alot more energy this time than with Kage. But I guess when your pregnant with your second and you have a soon to be 4 year old you don't have much time to be tired. So doctor says my due date is September 2, 2012. I will be have a scheduled c-section since I had complications with Kage and had one with him so I will actually be delivering sometime in late August. My next appointment is February 2, 2012 and I will get my first ultrasound and listen to the baby's heartbeat. :)